Monday, June 13, 2011

Quality prescription health meds online shopping

Quality prescriptions meds - full details online:
Welcome to Shopping Drugs!Our aim is to provide top quality products and help you save money off the high costs of medications.Ordering from us is fast and simple. Select your medication, use our online consultation if necessary, and your PURCHASE will be delivered right to your home! .Save up to 80% - easy purchase discount medicals product,incl. discount Free Rx Cialis.
Q: What is a Generic name and Brand name of drugs?
When a company develops a new drug, it gives the drug two names:
* Generic name the chemical compound that makes up the drug
* Brand name what the manufacturer calls the product
The company patents the drug for 20 years giving them the exclusive and legal right to manufacture and market the drug.

Q: If brand name drugs and generic drugs have the same active ingredients, why do they look different?
A: By trademark laws do not allow a generic drug to look exactly like the brand-name drug. However, a generic drug must duplicate the active ingredient. Flavors , colors , and certain other inactive ingredients may be different.

Q: What is the effectiveness when I buy drug by generic name?
A: When your buy a generic drug, you can be sure that you're getting the quality medication ,as good as brands in terms of effectiveness , at a lower price because generic manufacturers don't have the investment costs of the developer of a new drug.

Q: Can I get all the medications available in the US?
A: No. We will not ship narcotic, scheduled drugs or controlled substances (such as Valium, Vicodin , etc.).

1. We only carry medications that we can deliver at a significant cost savings to you. Currently our line of prescription medications focus on the drugs people may have trouble ordering in real life. Drugs like Viagra and Propecia may cause many people undue embarrassment in talking about or purchasing. By being able to purchase online and have the drugs shipped right to your home, much of that embarrassment can be alleviated. We encourage you to check back often as our selection of prescription drugs is always expanding. You are also encouraged to use our contact form to suggest drugs you would like to see us carry in future.
Below a short list the most popular RX :
PROGYNOVA Oestradiol
Estrace PRONESTYL Procainamide Pronestyl Propecia Finasteride Proscar Finasteride PROTHIADEN Dothiepin Dosulepin Provera Medroxyprogesterone Prozac Fluoxetine Q
Quinapril Accupril Quinine Quinamm Quiphile R
Rifampicin Rifadin R
Rifampicin Rifadin Rimactane RANITIDINE Zantac RASTINON Tolbutamide Orinase REBOXXIN Reboxetine Edronax RECLIDE Gliclazide Diamicron Reductil Meridia Regaine Rogaine REGLAN Clopra Maxolon Metoclopramide Octamide RENEDIL Felodipine Plendil Renitec Vasotec Enalapril
RESTECLIN Tetracycline Achromycin
Panmycin Sumycin Tetracap Retin-A Tretinoin Avita Retin-A Tretinoin Avita Renova RETINO-A Tretinoin Avita Retin-A Retinova Tretinoin REVIBRA Celecoxib Celebrex REZULT Generic
Rosiglitazone RIBAVIN Ribavirin Rebetol RISOFOS Actonel Risedronate Rivasmine Rivastigmine Exelon Rizact Maxalt Rizatriptan ROCALTROL Calcitriol Rocephin Ceftriaxone
Sodium Injection
ROPARK Ropinirole Requip ROTAHALLER Rotacap
ROZUCOR Rosuvas Crestor RULIDE Roxithromycin SALOFALK
Mesalazine SAROTENA Amitriptylene Elavil SAROTENA Amitriptylene Elavil Endep Scopoderm
Transderm-Scop Scopolamine SELGIN Selegiline Eldepryl SEPTRAN Bactrim Co-trimoxazole Cotrim SEPTRAN Bactrim
Co-trimoxazole Septra Cotrim Serevent Salmeterol SERLIN Sertraline Lustral SERLIN Sertraline Lustral Zoloft SEROBID Serevent SEROFLO Salmeterol+Fluticasone Advair Seretide SEROFLO Salmeterol/Fluticasone Advair SERTA Serline Sertraline Lupisert Lustral Zoloft Serzone Nefazodone SIBELIUM Flunarizine SILVER
Flamazine SIMLUP Simcard Simvastatin SIMVOFIX Simvastatin Zocor Singulair Montelukast SIRDALUD Tizanidine Zanaflex Skinoren Azelex Azelaic
Slow-K Potassium
SOLONE Omnacortil Prednisolone Delta-Cortef Prelone SORBITRATE Dilatrate
Isordil Sorbitrate SPARDAC Sparfloxacin Zagam SPECTRA Doxin Doxepin Sinequan Spirotone Aldactone Sporanox Itraconazole STABLON Tianeptine STANLIP Lofibra Tricor STARVAL Diovan Valsartan STAVIR Stavudine Zerit STAVIR Stavudine Zerit D4T STEMETIL Prochlorperazine Compazine STUGERON Cinnarizine STUGIL Cinnarizine+Dompridone SUMITREX Sumatriptan Imigran SUMITREX Sumatriptan Imigran Imitrex Symmetrel Symadine Amantadine Synermox Augmentin TADALIS Cialis Tadalafil TAMSPAR Buspar Buspirone TARIVID Ofloxacin Floxin TAVANIC Levaquin Levofloxacin TAVEGYL Anti-Hist Clemastine Tavist Tavist-1 TEGIBS Tegaserod Zelnorm TEGRETOL Atretol Carbamazepine Epitol TEGRETOL Atretol Carbamazepine Depitol Epitol Telfast Allegra TELMA
Telmisartan Micardis TENORETIC
Atenolol/Chlorthalidone TENORETIC
Atenolol/Chlorthalidone TENORiC
Atenolol/Chlorthalidone TENORIC
Atenolol/Chlorthalidone TENORMIN Atenolol TEROL Torq Detrol Tolterodine TERRAMYCIN Oxytetracycline Tetracycline Panmycin Tetrex Theo-Dur Theochron Theophylline THEOBID Theophylline Theo-Dur THEOBID Theophylline Theo-Dur Uniphyl THEODAY Theophylline Theo-Dur THYROX Levothyroxine Levothroid Levoxine Levoxyl Synthroid Unithroid TIBOFEM Livial Tibolone TIKLID Ticlopidine Ticlid Timolol Betimol Timoptic TIOVA Tiotropium
Spiriva TIZAN Tizanidine Zanaflex TOBITIL Tenoxicam Mobiflex TOBRADEX Tobramycin
and Dexamethasone
Tobrex Aktob Defy Tobrex Aktob Defy Tobramycin TOCID Famotidine Pepcid TOPAMAC Topiramate Topamax TORQ Detrol Tolterodine TRAZONIL Trazodone Desyrl Trichozole Metronidazole Flagyl TRIMA Aurorix Manerix Triphasil Trifeme TRIQUILAR Ortho-Novum
Cyklokapron TYKLID Ticlopidine Ticlid UDILIV Actigall Urso ULCIMAX Famocip Famotidine URISPAS Flavoxate UROTONE Bethanechol
Duvoid Myotonachol Urecholine V-COX Bextra Valdecoxib Valdego V-COX Bextra Valdecoxib Valus Valdego VALCIVIR Valtrex Valacyclovir VALZAAR Starval Diovan Valzaar VALZAAR Starval Diovan Valsartan Valzaar VALZAAR
80 H
Valsattan/HCTZ Diovan
VENLOR Venlafaxine Effexor Ventolin Salbutamol Proventil VENTORLIN Albuterol Salbutamol Proventil Ventolin Volmax VERADANAFIL Generic
Veradanfil Vermox Mebendazole VERTIN Betahistine Serc Vicrom
Nedocromil Tilade VIOXX Generic
Rofecoxib Vioxx Rofecoxib VIRAMUNE Nevirapine Volmax Albuterol Voltaren Diclofenac VOVERAN Diclofenac Voltaren VOVERAN
Diclofenac Emulgel VOVERAN
Diclofenac Emulgel Voltaren WARF Uniwarfin Warfarin WARF Uniwarfin Warfarin Coumadin Xalatan Latanoprost Xenical Orlistat XET Paroxetine Seroxat XET Paroxetine Seroxat Paxil Xylocaine Lidocaine Zantac Ranitidine Zeffix Imaivudine Zestril Prinivil Lisinopril ZIDOVIR Zidovudine AZT Retrovir ZDV ZIDOVIR-300 Zidovudine AZT ZDV Zithromax Azithromycin ZOBID-D Diclofenac Voltaren Zocor Lipex Simvastatin ZOFLUT Fluticasonet Zofran Ondansetron Zoladex Goserelin ZOLE Miconazole Daktarin Zoloft Sertraline Lustral Zoton Prevacid ZOVIRAX Acyclovir Zyban Wellbutrin
ZYLORIC Allopurinol Lopurin ZYRTEC Cetirizine Zirtec Zyrtec

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